
Something Wicked this Way Comes

The Greatest Trick Google ever pulled was to convince the world MechaBits 3D Printers Didn't Exist. Almost Complete... #3dprinting

The Latest MechaBits Design will feature a Larger Build Area will be y360 x260 z120 With a little extra margin. Z could be upgraded to 220mm easy any taller would need major alteration, if I find a Better Z Rail, the 390mm LWF42 would make a great Z but i'll hang out for something a little shorter. If the Bed is Lowered by use of V-Groove wheels instead of linear rails then Z could be about 300mm but for my needs I think 100mm in Z is plenty.  Ideally to replace all the Plastic Parts with Custom Metal Parts will need your Help we need 100 people to make the first batch a Reality.

Send a Message if your Interested. Spread the Word if your not. http://mechabits.co.uk
#mechabits #3dprinter #design #photographer #invent #3dprinting #tech 


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